Designed to meet API 6D specification. Full bore design, suitable for pigging and hot tapping and to minimize turbulence and pressure drop.
Designed to allow in-line valve maintenance.
Body cavity isolated from flow stream. Designed acc. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code Section VIII div. 1, and ASME B16.34.
Flanges integral with valve body. Manufactured in accordance with ASME B16.5 and B16.47 'A' type. Flange face finishing available in raised or ring joint type.
Butt weld end is acc. to ASME B16.25. Design of weld end to prevent any soft seal damage during field welding.
Stem is completely covered during valve operation.
Available as integral casting or as a combination of cast center section and fabricated lower section and bonnet (depending on size).
Reinforcing ribs, where present, do not extend beyond the flange faces.
Seats are floating, spring actuated and seal in the recess is achieved by O-rings.
Double block-and-bleed option to facilitate complete flushing, draining and venting of the valve body cavity.
Prevention of body cavity over-pressure achieved by self-relieving seat ring/assemblies into the upstream line.
Valves are supplied with vent and drain to release trapped body pressure and liquids.
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