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Reliability Services Reliability Services
Industry leaders realize that predictive reliability strategies are key to improved shareholder value and a secret weapon against  deteriorating operational performance. It can cost  50% more to repair a failed asset than to monitor and predict failures. 

Backed by Emerson, R.E. Mason has comprehensive reliability solutions and services with the latest prediction and protection technologies. Proper implementation will enable you to reach your asset availability goals.  
Our Capabilities

Our Capabilities

  • Rotating Machinery Health: Predictive intelligence can determine asset health, allowing you to reduce scheduled and unscheduled downtime, drive down maintenance costs, and reduce  safety and availability risks. Learn More>>>
  • Field Device Reliability:  Field device diagnostics protect your equipment by maintaining configurations, calibrations, and overall operational efficiency.
  • Electrical Integrity: Enabling data-driven decisions that improve availability, reliability, and operating costs of your electrical assets.  
  • Reliability Consulting Services: Enhancing operational efficiency and reduce downtime through the process of identifying and addressing potential failures before they occur.
  • Mentoring & Training: Empowering your team with the skills and knowledge to proactively manage and advance your reliability program.

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Todd Schools

Todd Schools

Reliability Manager
Systems and Solutions - Reliability

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Brandon Carter

Brandon Carter

Reliability & Shared Services Manager

Systems and Solutions - Reliability

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