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Outage planning? We have an app for that.

November 2, 2018

You need accurate and up to date information to plan a successful shutdown or outage.

This may sound like common sense, but as many of you know, this information is not always available.

You need to know what assets you have in the field, their location and what condition they are in.

With this information, you can:

  • Plan maintenance activities
  • Order necessary parts
  • Schedule resources
  • Avoid last minute scrambles to get everything you need in time

When it comes to valves and instruments, the available data is often unreliable. Data is often stored in different locations and maintained by different people. The data stored in your inventory management system is usually truncated, incomplete or just plain wrong..

Many companies will use a team to gather information from the field and transfer it to a spreadsheet. This is a very time consuming process. The experts at Emerson recognized this and developed a solution…

Title Goes Here

We will send a team to your site to collect the data utilizing the Emerson Walkdown app.

The app aids in capturing the data by:

  • Storing pictures
  • Identifying Manufacturer and Model Number
  • Documenting asset condition and location
  • The app exports data to a digital report used to plan your upcoming maintenance event.
  • Useful for Control Valves, Manual Isolation Valves and Automated Isolation valves

The Walkdown App is one of many ways R.E. Mason and Emerson can optimize your outage. Other services include Project Management, Outage Managers, Asset Managers, Mechanical Valve Repair, Instrument Calibration, training and much more.


Have an upcoming plant shut down or outage? Call to schedule your valve survey today.
(704) 375-4464